Rentals - Counter Earth

Reserve Your Gorean Place

Let us help you reserve your home in Counter Earth Grid!  Our pricing is REASONABLE so that every Gorean can afford a small sim,  a quiet private get-away,  a Home Parcel that is 256x256m (which is the size of a full sim in SecondLife!), placed inside a pre-existing Counter Earth Grid region. Take advantage of a surrounding landscape and of course, 'location location location'! You can go for a spot at the foot of the towering Voltai, or maybe an island escape in the waves of mighty Thassa! You pick the area, and we'll try to find a place that works for you. These "Homesteads" start at only $10.00 a sim.  

When you are ready to rent a full region on Counter Earth Grid not only do you get a Var Region ('Variable Region'; in Counter Earth Grid you get a 4 X 4 VAR Region, which is 1024x1024, the size of 16 regions in SecondLife!), you also get to have FREE use of our exclusive CE Grid Combat Meter, our exclusive by-the-book CE Grid Farm System! More, you will have FREE access to travel and roleplay across more than 300 Counter Earth Grid public lands which interconnect all of our Gorean cities and islands, so that you can travel over sim lines by tarn, by ship, by wagon, by kailla, or by foot! It's an incredible and increasingly immersive experience that you cannot find in any other Gorean venue, anywhere!

To get your own Var Region on Counter Earth Grid, we'll need you to do the following:

Monthly lease renewal fees are due on the first day of each month.

Please contact kindra Turian within the Counter Earth Grid or you can email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or find her on our Discord Channel (kindra Turian)  to ask questions about renting a var region.  After you pay your tier, please contact our grid host at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with details and confirmation of your order. You can order your parcel or VAR regions, and even pay your monthly tiers, with the easy options below!



Our Rental Options





ONLY Used when first leasing your property


Used when making your monthly payments

Home Parcel

256x256m Parcel Property

5,000 Prims

You can add more prims at the rate of an additional $1/1000 additional prims to your monthly lease

$10 - First Month lease for Home Parcel with 5,000 Prims
$20 - One-time setup fee

Total cost: $30

Enter the name of your region and the name of the month(s) you are paying for, in the NOTE field

Quantity can be used for multiple regions, and multiple months.

$10 Bi-Monthly for TWO Months - Lease for Home Parcel with 5,000 Prims

You can add more prims at the rate of an additional $1/1000 additional prims added to your monthly lease

Enter the name of your region and the name of the month(s) you are paying for, in the NOTE field

Quantity can be used for multiple regions, and multiple months.


Homestead Region

1024x1024m Region Property

10,000 Prims

You can add more prims at the rate of an additional $1/1000 additional prims to your monthly lease

$10 - First Month lease for a VAR Region with 10,000 Prims
$20 - One-time setup fee

Total cost: $30

Enter the name of your region and the name of the month(s) you are paying for, in the NOTE field

Quantity can be used for multiple regions, and multiple months.

$10/mo - Lease for VAR Region with 10,000 Prims

You can add more prims at the rate of an additional $1/1000 additional prims added to your monthly lease

Enter the name of your region and the name of the month(s) you are paying for, in the NOTE field

Quantity can be used for multiple regions, and multiple months.


City Region

1024x1024m Region Property

20,000 Prims

You can add more prims at the rate of an additional $1/1000 additional prims to your monthly lease

$20 - First Month lease for a VAR Region with 20,000 Prims
$20 - One-time setup fee

Total cost: $40

Enter the name of your region and the name of the month(s) you are paying for, in the NOTE field

Quantity can be used for multiple regions, and multiple months.

$20/mo - Lease for VAR Region with 20,000 Prim

You can add more prims at the rate of an additional $1/1000 additional prims added to your monthly lease

Enter the name of your region and the name of the month(s) you are paying for, in the NOTE field

Quantity can be used for multiple regions, and multiple months.




Current Status Rental Properties

     Previously built and donated or abandoned cities are available for re-rental. They can be modified or rebuilt as the new renter pleases.


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