Home - Counter Earth

Grid Status

Grid Status: Online
Total Regions: 197
Today visitors: 27
Visitors (30 Days): 200
Total Residents: 3338

Welcome to the Counter Earth Grid

The Counter Earth Grid is the ORIGINAL all-Gorean Grid, built by some of the true Elders of Gor, Gorean men who can trace their Gorean roots back to the 1990s and the very first Gorean homes that ever existed online. In the Counter Earth Grid, you're standing with Goreans who have loved and fought and triumphed their way across the Face of Gor for decades and will support your right to YOUR Gor, YOUR way, within the Homestead or City that you rent.

The Counter Earth Grid brings almost 10 years (started in Aug of 2014) of actual grid experience, growth, and stability to the table, with constantly improving servers, speed, and reliability. The Grid Admins provide you with support and assistance, not just with technical aspects, but with their in-depth knowledge of Gor, the Gor novels, and Gorean interactions. Whether you want By-The-Book or Gor Evolved, they're available to help you get going.

Your Gorean city or homestead will be connected to all of Gor, by land and river and Thassa. You can travel from Turia to the Sardar Mountains on a tarn if you choose or take a slower wagon across the Sea of Grass and the burning sands of the Tahari before making your way from Tor and up the Silk Road through the foothills of the mighty Voltai mountains. Sail from Skjern to Tabuk's Ford by ship, then dock and set forth a'foot to see what adventures await you in high perched Tarnburg, in the red Voltai Mountains. The choice is yours as you roleplay your way across the wilds of Gor!

Region tiers start at $10/mo for a Homestead that's 16x the size of a SL region OR rent a giant 1024 X 1024 sim for $35.00 up - Be sure and see our RENTALS page for more information

Counter Earth Grid can provide pre-built or starter city sims for new Administrators who want a head-start or even a fully finished Gorean city, to begin with, before modifying it to match their own unique vision.  You can view these on our RENTALS page. 

  • BTB Farming system
  • Combat Meter Built by Goreans For Goreans
  • Adventure across the face of Gor by tarn, by ship, by wagon, or by foot
  • Race through the waves of the gleaming Thassa, from Port Kar to Torvoldsberg or from the fabled Pani Isles to the Schendi
  • Sink your enemies with warships that crash 
  • Discussion, dances, training, Tournaments of Arms, Tarn Racing, Dance Tournaments, join our grid dance troupe,  OOC dance, and Holiday events
  • Get involved as a gladiator, tarn racer, dancer, or run your own events in your own city and invite us all. 

COUNTER EARTH GRID, where True Gor Still Lives



Come join us as almost 4000 others have!!!