Terms of Service - Counter Earth

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Terms of Service

Counter Earth Terms of Service


  1. Counter Earth Grid Terms of Service

    CE Grid TOS revised 6/8/2022

    1. We are an adult community. Anyone entering must be 21 years of age. NO CHILD AVATARS-

    2. As a Gorean Grid Avatars on this grid will be Goreans (note Gorean Humanoids, not any flora or fauna ) , blatantly non-Gorean things are not allowed. The list includes but is not limited to:
    Modern Weapons- guns, cannons
    Modern motorized vehicles
    Child Avatars including- fairies & pixies- fantasy creatures outside the Gorean Novels

    3. Continuing that we are a Gorean Grid- in the public areas of the grid (Sardar Regions, Connector Sims, Gridwide Group chat, Discord, and your profile) kajirae/bonds will behave properly. They will show the proper courtesy to the Free.
    3a. Honor is important to Goreans- Respecting the property of others in the common areas of the grid (see #3) - No harassment of any collared or non-collared kajira/bond in public chat or in Ims. No Force Collarings in the public areas of the grid. Slavery on this grid is consensual. When a slave is collared, her virtual persona belongs to the owner but her real-life does not. Any attempts to force any real-life actions on the said slave is forbidden under our terms of service. This does not forbid such actions if consensual, however. An owner has no authority over a slave's real-life unless given by said slave and can be revoked by said slave at his or her will. If a slave begs release it should be granted and the grid will recognize the slaves as no longer being owned by that owner. No harassment of anyone will be tolerated in the CE Grid public spaces.

    4. Every sim has autonomy for its own laws, as long as they do not violate our TOS. CE grid does not have a say in the rules of your city so please respect their laws or choose to not visit those homes.

    5. kajira/bonds did not own anything in the books, so keeping in line with this being an all Gorean grid we have instituted this policy- kajira/bonds may not hold the tile of Administrator or Owner of a Region or City.

    6. Counter Earth Grid reserves the right to use content left behind in sims This content remains the property of Counter Earth Grid.
    6a. If items are reused, the owner's name will change to the new owner of the region, but the creator name will remain the original person.
    7. If you find content on our public areas or, market that is your content and stolen - we will remove it after you prove it was stolen or we will pay for it at OUR discretion! We are NOT responsible for our sim renters and what content they find hypergriding that could be stolen or what they bring in from other lands. In the case of our lessees, we follow DCCA rules.
    8. If you work for Counter Earth Grid in a capacity of development, technology or grid Admin, these are volunteer jobs - there is no contract or pay, you work as a volunteer.
    8a If you are working for the grid, a sim or an individual and create content for them and give them ownership, then you have done so voluntarily, and as such that content is the property of the entity that you created it for. You have a right to copies of your creations but the people/person you created it for has a right to it too.
    8c. We require an NDA for anyone that is volunteering on CE grid.
    9. Payment policies for land rentals -

    Rent payment is due in the first week of the month. If payment is not received by the 14th of the month, all administrative rights revert to the management of The Counter Earth Grid, unless PRIOR arrangements are made in advance. The land may be deemed a lawless area or rented to someone else at the discretion of said Management should rent become lapsed.
    9A. As a PRIVATE grid we reserve the right to refuse to accept payment for a property (thereby resuming control over the property) for the cause of bad behavior (not following our TOS, Stealing, etc) or if left unattended for too long (6 months without habitation)

    11. Voice morphing is prohibited on The Counter Earth Grid. Those using voice morphing may be warned or banished at the discretion of Management.

    10. The Management of The Counter Earth Grid reserves the right to make changes or additions to the Terms of Service at any time. All TOS updates will be posted in The Counter Earth Group and to the website (TOS are located on the support page on the website). It is the responsibility of each User to know, understand and comply with the Terms of Service.

    12. The Counter Earth Grid reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.

    If you notice anything that is against our TOS, please notify one of the Admins. Thank you!